Saturday, February 12, 2011


Ok, can I just say, UGH! I was raised in a home where my mom magically turned money into elastic, making dollars stretch but never rip. Since being married, Rob and I have tried to continue this trend - I have even been called the Queen of Cheap Family Fun - however, I am not nearly the magician my mom was. But in this economy I have tried to be even more frugal than normal and have continued to read numerous books on how to save money - books on money management and how to be thrifty, frugal and downright cheap. I just finished one about cutting food bills in half and this is where I say UGH!! This book pointed out that it is a good idea to grocery shop with a mom taught me this when I was two. Planning your meals before you shop is also helpful... I've been doing this for twenty years. It is not a good idea to grocery shop on an empty stomach... just plain common sense, which just might not be as common as I think. Now, I am not saying I know everything about saving money at the grocery store - but please! I am tired of being told that cutting my manicures down to one a month could save tons of money - I don't do manicures. Cutting cable down to the basics could save money - we don't have cable. Eating at home at least three nights a week could also save loads - we eat at home seven days. Do you see what I am saying? Although we live very frugally I still feel compelled to read these books - to learn more, cut more and to be a better homemaker - and because one of them might be able to help us save more. But it is so frustrating! What is one to do when there is no where else to cut and, yet, the ends don't meet? Where is a book about that? Maybe I should write it.
That said, a cheap family activity is to make shirts. Ok, not make but decorate. Just take a solid color t-shirt (from your closet, a thrift store or a new one on sale for $2 at a craft store) tape a design on it (we used scotch tape but you could probably use masking tape - just use whatever you already have) and spray around the design with a mixture of bleach and water (both of which you probably have at home). And just a note, yellow shirts don't work very well. But be creative, have fun and spend time together. It's priceless.

1 comment:

  1. It sounds like it's time to think about writing. You need to be intensely dissatisfied with the status quo, and it sounds like you are there. A table of contents is a great place to start.
