Monday, February 14, 2011

My Valentine

Valentine's Day can create strong emotions in us - some love it and some, well, let's just say, don't. I understand that many think it is just a greeting card company scam and that others put way too much stake into the mushy gushy side of it. But I am here to say - I like it. It is a day to remember how important love is. And not just romantic love but love for God, creation, life, family, others, the list goes on and on. It is not a day for us to wait around for someone to show love to us but it is a day for us to do the loving. For some of us words of encouragement and affirmation do not come naturally and so Valentine's Day is a day to think about the people in our lives and to tell them how much they mean to us. It is a reminder to love - and we all know love is an action word.

On this journey we call life I am so thankful to be walking next to my husband, Rob. Wherever the path leads - up hills, around corners, deep into canyons - I get to take each step with him. And because of that, I am eager for the adventure that is waiting for us just around the bend. Rob is my valentine, now and forever.

It doesn't matter if, like me, you have your own special valentine or if you don't. Regardless of what you think of Valentine's Day you must admit that God commands us to love and He showed us what love looks like. So... Happy Valentine's Day! May you take time to bask in God's love for you!

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