Wednesday, February 23, 2011

The question to NEVER ask

Can things get any worse? That is the question you should never ask. Because whenever you ask it, things do get worse. In fact, don't even say it out loud. I did and here is what happened. The past few days have been, can I say, horrible. I spent a whole day in the emergency room with my best friend. But that is not all. On the way to the hospital our car completely stopped working. Completely. The whole gasping for air, sputtering, loud chugs, jerking breakdown. And it is the car we own that holds our whole family. So, you see, I was on my way to the hospital, stranded in a parking lot, needing to arrange a ride for Riley to get to algebra class later in the afternoon, worrying about how our family would go anywhere together anymore and having to explain to two ten year olds that plans for the day had to be changed. I got to the hospital and stayed with my best friend. It was so painful to be there - but, thankfully, we did not need to be admitted. But that is not all. A couple of days later we received some very hurtful news - some very personal things had been said about us. But that is not all. Then we hit a pothole in the path of life - but, as my mom asked - is it a pothole or a sink hole?
Hey, wait a minute. That is a better question to ask when things aren't running smoothly. Just like not asking 'why me' but instead ' why not me,' don't ask if things can get worse (because we know they can) but instead step back and ask if your trouble/problem/issue is a pothole or a sink hole. Maybe we just need some perspective.

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