Sunday, February 20, 2011

Time to Declutter

Ok, confession time. This is an actual photo of my Tupperware cupboard. (Yes, I am aware it is not all actually Tupperware but growing up with a grandmother who was a highly decorated high ranking Tupperware dealer just sort of caused me to add the word Tupperware into my daily vocabulary.) I digress. This is the most dreaded cupboard in our home; no one wants to get anything out and no one wants to put anything away in it. Actually, simply walking past it could prove most hazardous as the door opens easily and the containers poor out. It is time for me to declutter my cupboard again. I need time to empty it, sort through everything, clean it out and get rid of items that don't get used. A daunting task but one that will make my time in the kitchen more efficient and less frustrating. As I was checking my schedule for when I could do this I was struck with the reality that we are like my cupboard. Although it was recently organized, it is now completely cluttered. Over time we cloud our minds with stuff and are in desperate need of a decluttering. We can fill our thoughts with worry, selfishness, bitterness, to-do lists, people, projects, plans, good things, memories, and the list goes on. And, like my cupboard, sometimes something will cause it to all spill out on an unsuspecting passer-by. Some thoughts are God honoring and others are not - the ones that are not are the ones to put in our get rid of bags. The others are in need of a good sorting. Some thoughts need to be laid at the foot of the cross. Others need to be washed in God's forgiveness. And still others can be enjoyed and released.
When we were told to 'be still and know that He is God' that included our minds - and how can they be still if they are full of a jumbled mess? We are also told to hold every thought captive. Are we doing that? Are we taking care of the clutter before the clutter has a chance to pile up? If my cupboard is any indication of that, the answer is a resounding no. Decluttering our minds, like decluttering my cupboard, could take a chunk of time. However, the end result will be an amazing freedom - a peace that passes all understanding - a joy unspeakable.
I encourage you to find your 'Tupperware cupboard,' take the time and clean it out. And as you do, may it remind you to, once again, declutter your mind, as well.

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