Friday, February 25, 2011


This is my dad. And I'm sure I will be grounded once he sees I put his photo up here but I just had to. He is a great man. He continually allows God to use him to bless others. From my earliest memories he has been blessing people. And this past week I was, once again, the recipient of that blessing. You see, the day after our car broke down my dad drove a total of about six hours to come up here and help. He tinkered with the engine for a minute and it started. Then he followed me home just in case it broke down again. And he is planning on giving it a tune up to see if it will last just a little bit longer.

God's mercies truly are new every morning. His hope and peace and joy and blessings can be seen fresh every morning - no matter what our circumstances. And what a load was lifted off my shoulders when I looked up and saw my dad pulling into the parking lot.

May we all allow God to use us, our time and resources to bless someone else. Thanks, Dad.

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