Thursday, February 17, 2011

Malawi tidbits

Malawi is a landlocked country in southeastern Africa. It is bordered by Mozambique, Zambia and Tanzania. Malawi is home to the third largest lake in Africa. It is one of the most densely populated countries on the continent and the most recent set of statistics that I could find says that only 28% of the population is functionally literate.

English is the official language but Chichewa, one of many tribal languages in Malawi, is used throughout the country. While in Zambia we learned several words in Nyanja - the language most used in Lusaka and the central provinces - and several of those words are also used in Chichewa. Zikomo means thank you and excuse me in both languages. Muli bwanji means how are you and ndili bwino means I'm fine. Now, if I only knew how to pronounce the words....

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