Friday, February 25, 2011


This is my dad. And I'm sure I will be grounded once he sees I put his photo up here but I just had to. He is a great man. He continually allows God to use him to bless others. From my earliest memories he has been blessing people. And this past week I was, once again, the recipient of that blessing. You see, the day after our car broke down my dad drove a total of about six hours to come up here and help. He tinkered with the engine for a minute and it started. Then he followed me home just in case it broke down again. And he is planning on giving it a tune up to see if it will last just a little bit longer.

God's mercies truly are new every morning. His hope and peace and joy and blessings can be seen fresh every morning - no matter what our circumstances. And what a load was lifted off my shoulders when I looked up and saw my dad pulling into the parking lot.

May we all allow God to use us, our time and resources to bless someone else. Thanks, Dad.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

The question to NEVER ask

Can things get any worse? That is the question you should never ask. Because whenever you ask it, things do get worse. In fact, don't even say it out loud. I did and here is what happened. The past few days have been, can I say, horrible. I spent a whole day in the emergency room with my best friend. But that is not all. On the way to the hospital our car completely stopped working. Completely. The whole gasping for air, sputtering, loud chugs, jerking breakdown. And it is the car we own that holds our whole family. So, you see, I was on my way to the hospital, stranded in a parking lot, needing to arrange a ride for Riley to get to algebra class later in the afternoon, worrying about how our family would go anywhere together anymore and having to explain to two ten year olds that plans for the day had to be changed. I got to the hospital and stayed with my best friend. It was so painful to be there - but, thankfully, we did not need to be admitted. But that is not all. A couple of days later we received some very hurtful news - some very personal things had been said about us. But that is not all. Then we hit a pothole in the path of life - but, as my mom asked - is it a pothole or a sink hole?
Hey, wait a minute. That is a better question to ask when things aren't running smoothly. Just like not asking 'why me' but instead ' why not me,' don't ask if things can get worse (because we know they can) but instead step back and ask if your trouble/problem/issue is a pothole or a sink hole. Maybe we just need some perspective.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Time to Declutter

Ok, confession time. This is an actual photo of my Tupperware cupboard. (Yes, I am aware it is not all actually Tupperware but growing up with a grandmother who was a highly decorated high ranking Tupperware dealer just sort of caused me to add the word Tupperware into my daily vocabulary.) I digress. This is the most dreaded cupboard in our home; no one wants to get anything out and no one wants to put anything away in it. Actually, simply walking past it could prove most hazardous as the door opens easily and the containers poor out. It is time for me to declutter my cupboard again. I need time to empty it, sort through everything, clean it out and get rid of items that don't get used. A daunting task but one that will make my time in the kitchen more efficient and less frustrating. As I was checking my schedule for when I could do this I was struck with the reality that we are like my cupboard. Although it was recently organized, it is now completely cluttered. Over time we cloud our minds with stuff and are in desperate need of a decluttering. We can fill our thoughts with worry, selfishness, bitterness, to-do lists, people, projects, plans, good things, memories, and the list goes on. And, like my cupboard, sometimes something will cause it to all spill out on an unsuspecting passer-by. Some thoughts are God honoring and others are not - the ones that are not are the ones to put in our get rid of bags. The others are in need of a good sorting. Some thoughts need to be laid at the foot of the cross. Others need to be washed in God's forgiveness. And still others can be enjoyed and released.
When we were told to 'be still and know that He is God' that included our minds - and how can they be still if they are full of a jumbled mess? We are also told to hold every thought captive. Are we doing that? Are we taking care of the clutter before the clutter has a chance to pile up? If my cupboard is any indication of that, the answer is a resounding no. Decluttering our minds, like decluttering my cupboard, could take a chunk of time. However, the end result will be an amazing freedom - a peace that passes all understanding - a joy unspeakable.
I encourage you to find your 'Tupperware cupboard,' take the time and clean it out. And as you do, may it remind you to, once again, declutter your mind, as well.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Malawi tidbits

Malawi is a landlocked country in southeastern Africa. It is bordered by Mozambique, Zambia and Tanzania. Malawi is home to the third largest lake in Africa. It is one of the most densely populated countries on the continent and the most recent set of statistics that I could find says that only 28% of the population is functionally literate.

English is the official language but Chichewa, one of many tribal languages in Malawi, is used throughout the country. While in Zambia we learned several words in Nyanja - the language most used in Lusaka and the central provinces - and several of those words are also used in Chichewa. Zikomo means thank you and excuse me in both languages. Muli bwanji means how are you and ndili bwino means I'm fine. Now, if I only knew how to pronounce the words....

Monday, February 14, 2011

My Valentine

Valentine's Day can create strong emotions in us - some love it and some, well, let's just say, don't. I understand that many think it is just a greeting card company scam and that others put way too much stake into the mushy gushy side of it. But I am here to say - I like it. It is a day to remember how important love is. And not just romantic love but love for God, creation, life, family, others, the list goes on and on. It is not a day for us to wait around for someone to show love to us but it is a day for us to do the loving. For some of us words of encouragement and affirmation do not come naturally and so Valentine's Day is a day to think about the people in our lives and to tell them how much they mean to us. It is a reminder to love - and we all know love is an action word.

On this journey we call life I am so thankful to be walking next to my husband, Rob. Wherever the path leads - up hills, around corners, deep into canyons - I get to take each step with him. And because of that, I am eager for the adventure that is waiting for us just around the bend. Rob is my valentine, now and forever.

It doesn't matter if, like me, you have your own special valentine or if you don't. Regardless of what you think of Valentine's Day you must admit that God commands us to love and He showed us what love looks like. So... Happy Valentine's Day! May you take time to bask in God's love for you!

Saturday, February 12, 2011


Ok, can I just say, UGH! I was raised in a home where my mom magically turned money into elastic, making dollars stretch but never rip. Since being married, Rob and I have tried to continue this trend - I have even been called the Queen of Cheap Family Fun - however, I am not nearly the magician my mom was. But in this economy I have tried to be even more frugal than normal and have continued to read numerous books on how to save money - books on money management and how to be thrifty, frugal and downright cheap. I just finished one about cutting food bills in half and this is where I say UGH!! This book pointed out that it is a good idea to grocery shop with a mom taught me this when I was two. Planning your meals before you shop is also helpful... I've been doing this for twenty years. It is not a good idea to grocery shop on an empty stomach... just plain common sense, which just might not be as common as I think. Now, I am not saying I know everything about saving money at the grocery store - but please! I am tired of being told that cutting my manicures down to one a month could save tons of money - I don't do manicures. Cutting cable down to the basics could save money - we don't have cable. Eating at home at least three nights a week could also save loads - we eat at home seven days. Do you see what I am saying? Although we live very frugally I still feel compelled to read these books - to learn more, cut more and to be a better homemaker - and because one of them might be able to help us save more. But it is so frustrating! What is one to do when there is no where else to cut and, yet, the ends don't meet? Where is a book about that? Maybe I should write it.
That said, a cheap family activity is to make shirts. Ok, not make but decorate. Just take a solid color t-shirt (from your closet, a thrift store or a new one on sale for $2 at a craft store) tape a design on it (we used scotch tape but you could probably use masking tape - just use whatever you already have) and spray around the design with a mixture of bleach and water (both of which you probably have at home). And just a note, yellow shirts don't work very well. But be creative, have fun and spend time together. It's priceless.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

High School Musical

There is a member of our family who is a big fan of High School Musical. She likes the movies, tries the dances and sings the songs. (Ok, Hayley, to put your mind at ease I will tell them I am not writing about you - tee hee) And I must admit the songs are very catchy. We were listening to one of the soundtracks yesterday while in the kitchen making carrot muffins and a song called 'Fabulous' has been bouncing around my head ever since. The song is sung by Sharpe (is that spelling right?), the snobby rich girl character. She is stressing the fact that she only wants what is fabulous - fame and fortune - and that she wants more. I know, not an ideal theme - but like I said the songs are actually fun and catchy. Anyway, I have been thinking about this and I, too, want what is fabulous. But for me, fame and fortune are not what I consider fabulous. But I do want the best, the best God has for me. I want to live each day in the fabulous freedom I have in Christ. And I long for more. More of my Saviour - more of His peace and joy - more time communing with the God of the universe - more of His blessings - more of Him. Until I am in His presence, I will long for more.

How about you? Don't you,too, want what is fabulous? Then don't look to what is fleeting - look to the Father.

Sunday, February 6, 2011


A few months ago we had the great privilege of meeting and spending time with some amazing people from around the country. A variety of ages and occupations were represented - young singles to grandparents - doctors, teachers, business owners, students, computer programmer, construction worker, youth pastor, media specialists and more - but the one thing everyone had in common was a deep rooted love for Jesus Christ and a passion for missions. God wants His gospel shared with all people everywhere and in order to accomplish this He amazingly wants to use us, the church. It was so fun to see how God had connected the hearts of those we met with places and people groups around the world - including but not limited to: Niger, Ecuador, India, Sudan, U.S., Ethiopia, Nepal.
It was also fun simply hanging out and playing catch phrase in the evenings. Just remember nitroglycerin and guffaw.
We really did meet an incredible group of people and we are so thankful for the opportunity to be included. (And we are thankful my parents watched our children so we could go!)
We serve a great God!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Beki Rohan

I am so excited to let you know that Beki Rohan is headed to Niger on February 5. Beki, a twenty-something, has been to Niger several times and is now heading back as a missionary with SIM to live and work and minister to the Makalondi people. If I read the map correctly, the Makalondi people live in the south western part of Niger, over by Burkina Faso. To read more about Beki and what she will be doing, be sure to check out her web site -